Evelyn Underhill (1875 – 1941)

Flower Festival 2012:

white and greenArranged by Christine Risebero in memory of Eve Collier.

I was drawn to Evelyn Underhill because of her understanding of Christian mysticism, her deep love of nature and her belief that God is in all things.

 Born in Wolverhampton, both her father and husband, Hubert Stuart Moore, were barristers and yachtsmen, a sport she loved.  Evelyn was academic, artistic and lively.  Originally agnostic, she made many trips to Italy and France where she developed her interest in art and Catholicism which she wanted to embrace.  But following objections from her husband and with an independent spirit, she became a prominent Anglo-Catholic.

She was greatly influenced by Baron von Hugel, her spiritual director.  Following his death she began to give talks on the contemplative life and became a spiritual director to hundreds, as well as being a widely respected retreat leader.

In her later life she became a Pacifist.  It was fundamental to Evelyn that all of life was sacred, that God’s abundant love permeates all things and that contemplation must lead to action.

I want my arrangement to look natural and abundant.  Evelyn’s spiritual life and pacifism are represented by the lilies and the palms spread out like her many directees.

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This page was last updated on July 17th, 2012.


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